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why is soil health so important advanced tree care

Why is Soil Health So Important?

Why is Soil Health So Important?

For a quick and easy answer to this question – healthy soil equals healthy trees!

Soil performs five essential functions and using the wrong type of soil or unhealthy soil can obstruct tree health by constricting roots from accessing water and nutrients. Soil helps regulate water, supports biodiversity, filters pollutants, provides physical support, and cycles nutrients. Attempting to plant a tree that requires less soil saturation may not thrive if it’s planted in silt or clay soil.

So you may be wondering, how can I ensure that my soil is in optimum health at all times? That’s where we come in! Here at Advanced Tree Care, we are a team of expert arborists who can help your trees flourish and stay protected against a wide range of threats before they set in. Neglecting proper soil for your tree can be detrimental to a tree’s health, and even cost you your tree. Of course, by first understanding a few soil basics, you can select trees that will thrive best in your soil.

Get to Know Your Soil

Soil is comprised of many things: nutrients, minerals, water, liquids, air, and gases.

There are many soil varieties, but the most common ones are sandy, silt, clay, peaty, loamy, and chalky. Soils vary from one location to the next, but one thing they share is their visible layers or horizons. The composition of soil is identifiable by how it settles. When you don’t have healthy soil available, you can mix soils together to change the texture, creating a soil for trees that is more suitable for planting.

How We Can Help

Replacing natural organic matter and boosting nutrients in soil is the best way to improve the health and vitality of your trees. We promote natural long-term solutions to amend soil using the following techniques which include but are not limited to – mulching, radial trenching, and vertical mulching.

Keep in mind that severely stressed and/or declining trees may require a more immediate solution in order to survive. In this case we will use synthetic fertilizers to enhance soil nutrients and promote quick recovery. To find a plan that works best for you, you can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any immediate questions or concerns.

Until Next Time,

The Advanced Tree Care Team


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