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Tree Removals Require The Professionals

Tree Removals Require The Professionals

If you are thinking to remove a tree from your property, you need to contact a professional arborist. The process can be complicated, often requiring special care and preparation. In addition, trees are a very important part of our environment, whicih is why you need to know exactly what a removal would entail.

Permit Applications

You may not know this, but in many areas, you actually need to have a permit in order to remove a tree according to the local Private Tree By-laws. Permits are required in order to protect the health of the urban forest, by ensuring that healthy native trees are not removed unnecessarily. A professional can help you fill out the application for the permit, and create the necessary report about the tree that you want removed.

Other Considerations

You might have a tree on your property that simply doesn\’t look healthy. In that case, you should consider having your tree examined in order to determine if it\’s diseased and can be treated, or simply needs to be removed. In that case, consider calling an an arborist to come and take a look at your tree. Instead of needing to be taken down, it may need a plan of action to help in the restoration process.

Don\’t Do It Yourself

If you have a dying tree on your property, you may be tempted to do it yourself. Of course, a better idea is to have it removed professionally. This ensures that everything will be done properly, and that nothing will get harmed in the process. Put simply, you don\’t want a tree falling on and damaging your property or, worse, you or other individuals.

Trees are a vital part of our world and our community. However, there are times when a tree needs to be removed. And when it does happen, it should be done by a professional. To have your tree evaluated, please contact us. You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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