Arborist Consulting for Builders & Developers
Arborist Consulting for Builders & Developers
Trees can be severely injured by activities associated with construction projects. The most significant cause of tree mortality on construction sites is the factor least considered by the average builder or developer. This issue is the loss and injury of critical root zones.
By many regards the development of Private Tree By-Laws have occurred as a result of the high mortality rates among trees on building and developments sites. Regulators who were attempting to increase canopy cover percentages for various communities observed that numerous trees were being lost on construction and development site. The result was the development of Private Tree By-Laws that are designed to help builders and developers improve the rate of success with their tree preservation strategies.
Our Consulting Arborists provide the most effective advice when a project is in the design stage. The project site can be assessed and some preliminary feedback provided to aid with the design process. This strategy has the highest rate of Building Permit Application approval as the proposed structure is designed around the tree preservation plan versus the challenge of designing the tree preservation plan around the designed structure.
The Consulting Arborists at Advanced Tree Care Inc. provide Registered Architects, Landscape Architects, Landscape Designers, General Contractors and Developers with detailed Tree Inventories, comprehensive Tree Preservations Plans and the skill and knowledge to negotiate the Planning Application process.

About Advanced Tree Care
Advanced Tree Care has been providing professional services to the GTA, York Region and Lake Simcoe since 2004. We pride ourselves on our ISA Certified Arborists, and state of the art equipment.
Advanced Tree Care’s trained, educated & certified professional Arborists promote safe work practices and environmental stewardship. Our team of highly skilled and accredited Arborists provide our clients with the highest-quality tree care and customer service. With expert knowledge, professional service and a commitment to environmentally sensible practices, we preserve the vitality of trees and enhance the surrounding landscapes.
We are Arborists and tree care experts, and have devoted our entire service portfolio to trees. This focused approach to our specialty is why Advanced Tree Care is your best source for effective tree care solutions. Our knowledge of trees is the best available to home owners and property managers within the Greater Toronto Area. We have an extraordinary understanding of tree biology, Arboricultural Science, safe work practices, and municipal tree preservation policy.