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Aurora Tree Care Consultant Dispels Four Myths about Trees

Aurora Tree Care Consultant Dispels Four Myths about Trees

There is a rich mythology surrounding trees. Many ancient cultures such as the Celts, Greeks, Romans, Norse, and others had fascinating tales and legends about trees. Today, there\’s a different type of tree mythology that consists of misconceptions about their structure, growth, and proper care. Acting on these myths can adversely affect the health of trees. Here are four of them:

Trees Can Heal Their Wounds

Trees are incapable of repairing or replacing damaged tissue. Instead, they wall off damaged tissue in a process called compartmentalization. This prevents its infection or the spread of infection to the rest of the tree. The sealed off tissue remains damaged for the rest of the tree\’s life. This is why you should exercise care when using tools and power equipment around trees.

Trees Survive Just Fine in the Wild and Therefore Don\’t Need My Care

While some trees in the wild are healthy, many others are diseased, damaged, or stressed in some way. A walk through the forest will reveal trees leaning at extreme angles and about to topple over. Others have few leaves in their canopy or have extensive fungus infections. The trees on your property aren\’t exempt from these problems and are exposed to urban or suburban stresses as well, such as compacted soil and limited space for root growth.

Trees Grow Deep Root Systems

Tree roots require loose oxygenated soil, which occurs near the surface. Therefore tree roots grow outward and parallel to the surface. This is why soil compaction is detrimental to the health of a tree. Vertical tap roots are not common in mature trees.

Trees Require Lots of Mulch

Mulch stabilizes the soil moisture content and its temperature near the tree. Organic mulch also provides nutrients to the soil. Too much mulch, especially when applied at the base of the tree against the trunk, will encourage the roots to grow up into the mulch. This causes the roots to wrap around the trunk, which eventually kills the tree. Excessive mulch also builds up too much moisture, which encourages rot.

Get in touch with an Aurora tree care consultant for answers to your questions about proper tree care. You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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