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Trees surrounding buildings

Educating Residents on Tree Care Responsibilities in Managed Communities

As a property manager, it is your responsibility to provide maintenance and upkeep to the area surrounding your building including lawn, plant, and tree care. You may utilize a landscaper for some of this maintenance, but having a qualified Arborist to advise and take action on your properties trees is a critical piece of property maintenance. The benefits of a well maintained property include increased curb appeal and improved community spaces, both of which can help drive traffic and interest in your space. In building these community spaces, getting your residents, tenants, and renters involved can help keep the space as pristine as possible.

See Something, Say Something

Implement an easy to use reporting system for tree care related issues to get your residents involved in the care of the trees surrounding your buildings. Make residents aware of how to report broken or fallen branches, excess weeds at the base of trees, or even to make suggestions for what they would like to see included in the landscaping. This will allow residents to feel like they are involved in the care of the landscape and keep them more engaged in the community. An easy to implement and low budget tool can simply be a dedicated email address for reporting these issues, with signs posted in common spaces to inform residents. This will allow you as the property manager to quickly respond to potential hazards that are reported, and contact Advanced Tree Care to resolve the issue.

Get Involved in Tree Care

Encourage your community to get involved with simple tree care like weeding or watering. These regularly occurring tasks can be an easy way to get residents involved without asking for too much time or energy. Residents can even be involved in pruning smaller or lower branches on trees, but make sure you consult professional Arborists for any large jobs to ensure the safety of everyone involved. For easy maintenance tips, check out our article on the best way to water your trees. For those residents who volunteer their time, consider a small card or gift as a way to say ‘thank you.’ 

Start a Tree Care Committee

Depending on the type of property you manage, put out a call for volunteers for a Landscape Committee. This committee could delegate the simple tree care tasks we’ve already discussed, such as weeding or watering, but they could also help with the beautification of the space. This committee would help decide what to plant in the spring, whether hanging baskets would increase the curb appeal, or what seasonal decor would be appropriate. Additionally, this committee can assist in the decision making about what property tasks they want to take on, and what should be outsourced to a dedicated property management service.

Contact and Contract the Experts

A well managed and beautiful space is important for both property managers and the members of the community who live and work in the space. By getting your residents involved in tree care and the care of the outdoor spaces, you will see an increased level of care and dedication to the indoor spaces as well. While community engagement is always a good thing, don’t forget to consult the experts for hazardous or large tree care concerns. Contacting an Arborist is the best way to keep your trees healthy all year long, ensuring that your community continues to be safe and well maintained. 


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