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Professional Tree Care: Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill

Professional Tree Care: Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill

Large trees are occasionally a headache. They drop branches at the most inopportune times (often in the most inopportune areas), require sometimes costly work to keep them in good health, and require cleanup not just during the fall months, but even in spring and summer. Yet large trees continue to hold a special place in the hearts of tree lovers, and for those who long to have them (and have room for them) there are many trees considered a cut above the rest. Below are five of them.

1. The Red Maple

The Red Maple grows fast, and as such, quickly provides the shade that many homeowners love for backyard areas. It is easy to move, tolerant of various weather, and will grow almost anywhere. Since it ends up at 40-70 feet, it provides a lot of shade. Its location requires planning, however, due to its large size.

2. The Yellow Poplar or Tulip Tree

The Tulip Tree\’s beauty alone serves as an advertisement for planting it. It also grows very fast, and is highly resistant to both disease and pests. However, it needs the right spot, since it ends up between 70-90 feet tall.

3. White and Red Oak Trees

These trees have been popular for centuries, due to their handsome appearance and hardiness. Since oaks grow slowly, their location is less of an issue initially, but still requires consideration some time down the road.

4. The Sycamore Tree 

Sycamores are not especially particular about their planting site. In addition, they grow easily and even transplant easily. However, they are huge (70-100 feet tall), and an average sized yard can contain only one. In addition, they suffer from susceptibility to rot and may cause damage. Professional tree care is essential to keep this giant in optimal health.

5. The River Birch

The river birch likes wet sites, but can tolerate drier ones and even has a modest ability to cope with drought. It also tolerates heat well and is a colorful backyard specimen.

Large trees come with their own set of requirements for proper care but when professionally pruned and cared for, provide numerous benefits, including shaded backyards, beautiful views, and excellent home selling points. For more information on how to care for your large backyard trees, you can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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