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Tree Care Consulting Can Keep Young Conifers Healthy

Tree Care Consulting Can Keep Young Conifers Healthy

Conifers are known for their beauty as well as their hardy natures.  Yet young conifers especially can be susceptible to different disease processes and unfavorable conditions that can stunt their growth and even cause them to die if not properly addressed.  These conditions include pollution, poor soil conditions and excess moisture, and harsh winter conditions.

Young conifers are especially sensitive to pollution.  Stress from pollution can cause them to be more susceptible to diseases caused by fungi. Some of the fungi which attack young conifers will cause discoloration and even dying of the branches.  In order to halt the disease process, trees should be trimmed back to healthy wood, and fertilized with the appropriate type of fertilizer, namely horn and bone meal.

Young conifers can also suffer adverse effects from improper planting and soil conditions.  Conifers should be planted in dry, slightly acidic soil, with an appropriate distance between them.  They should never be watered to the extent that the soil becomes soggy, as this may cause the needles to become discolored.  To provide them with the slightly acidic content which they require, fallen needles should be used for for mulch.

In Winter

During winter months, young conifers need extra care.  Heavy snow should be brushed off them to avoid breaking branches. Excess snow around them should be removed, in order to keep the soil from being too wet when the snow melts.  Deicing salt should also be kept away from them. Even snow containing deicing salt, when sprayed on or dumped near the trees, can have a harmful effect.

Of course, tree care consulting is of the utmost importance whenever young trees show signs of illness or stress.  Your arborist can pinpoint the exact cause of any problems, and provide the most efficacious treatment to address it.

Few trees can rival conifers as a landscape ornament that provides beauty year round.  For more information on how to keep your conifers beautiful, and healthy, you can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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