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Tree First Aid Tips from an Aurora Tree Care Arborist

Tree First Aid Tips from an Aurora Tree Care Arborist

Just like people, trees can also benefit from first aid care after an injury. Whether accidentally inflicted by a person or by nature, applying first aid to a damaged tree can help its recovery. However, if the damage was caused by a storm, it\’s important not to place yourself in danger. Storms can cause extensive damage, and standing under the tree may expose you to injury from hanging limbs about to fall. If you spot damaged limbs beyond your reach (while standing on the ground), or if the branch requires chainsaw work, get a professional to do the work for you.

Electrocution is another danger when dealing with storm damaged trees. If any power lines have fallen on the tree, or if a tree branch is leaning against a power line, stay away from the tree. High voltage electricity conducts through living wood, and even touching the tree on a spot remote from the power line is dangerous.

Tree First Aid Tips

  • Evaluate the damage. If the tree has extensive damage that will either kill it, or will require the services of an Aurora tree care arborist, there is little point in exposing yourself to injury.
  • Trim loose bark. Ragged and dangling bark provide a habitat for insects and pathogens. Use a sharp knife to remove any loose bark. Leave a smooth area where the exposed wood meets the bark. Make this transition area minimal and avoid exposing additional cambium inner bark.
  • Remove small broken branches. Like dangling bark, ragged broken limbs provide a habitat for insects and pathogens. Make a clean cut where the branch joins a larger branch. Large branches require an arborist\’s expertise.
  • Do not apply tree wound dressing. Applying wound dressing or tree paint to wounds do not help the recovery process. In fact, it may seal in moisture that can promote decay, or seal in decay in progress. It may also interfere with the tree\’s compartmentalization process, which is the tree\’s way of keeping pathogens out. If you have an oak tree, consult with an arborist on this decision.

If your trees are damaged, get in touch with an Aurora tree care arborist for answers to your questions. You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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