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Tree Preservation Reports: Property Owners\’ Best Chance of a Worry-Free Winter

Tree Preservation Reports: Property Owners\’ Best Chance of a Worry-Free Winter

Summers in Georgina, Aurora, Richmond Hill and Newmarket are extremely pleasant but they also signal one thing. Fall and winter can’t be far behind and with those two seasons comes the potential for an increase in landscape damage. Insect and disease related problems are just two things that may occur in the latter half of the year. Storm damage is another. The region tends to get blustery, cold and snowy rather quickly. So summer is really the time to consider obtaining tree peservation reports.

Drafted by certified arborists, tree preservation reports are like taking out insurance against end-of-year, landscaping damage because they identify problems before they can manifest themselves. And you know that they say about the value of an ounce of prevention. Well, the reports offer much more than an ounce because with permission, certified arborists do more than offer suggestions. They’re also quite capable of helping property owners carry those recommended tasks out.

A Report Will Show What Needs To Be Done

At this time of year, pruning is generally towards the top of certified arborists’ to-do lists. Of course as tree preservation reports will show, not all estate vegetation will need to be trimmed back for the fall. Oftentimes, the slow growers are healthy, compact and sturdy enough to survive the colder temps without professional assistance. It’s the ones with weakened or twisted branches, split trunks and wounded root systems that tend to need immediate attention. And in those cases, pruning isn’t always the answer either.

Sometimes certified arborists’ tree preservation reports will indicate that bracing or tree removal is needed. They can handle all of those tree care tasks of course and more. Prices for the preventive measures may be included in tree preservation reports or requested afterward. In addition, the area’s best arborists may also prioritize which pre-fall tasks should be completed first, providing that price is a property manager’s biggest concern.

To learn more about the value of prevention and what certified arborists may do, you can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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