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Tree Pruning: Learn Before You Cut

Tree Pruning: Learn Before You Cut

On first glance, tree pruning may appear to be an easy task that can be accomplished by anyone. While most anyone can prune a tree, it’s important to understand how the tree will respond to cuts prior to diving into the job. A general rule of thumb is to obtain as much knowledge about tree care and maintenance as possible before making that first cut.

First off, you shouldn’t just grab a chainsaw and start removing branches. Pruning best practices recommend specific locations and types of cuts to protect the tree. Improper tree maintenance can cause lifelong tree damage, or even shorten the tree’s lifespan. Also, you’ll need to know when to prune. Arborists recommend late fall or winter to minimize the impact on the tree.

Once you understand how to cut, you need to learn how much to prune. Because pruning places stress on a tree, it’s important to trim as little as possible. You should never prune more than 25 percent of the tree’s crown. Also, be sure than at least two thirds of the tree’s height is composed of living branches. Some situations such as branches growing around power lines are hazardous and may require pruning more than recommended.

You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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