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When Is Tree Cutting Necessary For Your Plumbing?

When Is Tree Cutting Necessary For Your Plumbing?

Trees are a beautiful addition to the landscaping of any home. In many cases, mature trees can actually add value to your property. Unfortunately, some trees are known to cause severe problems to your plumbing system. Here are some tree species that are known to cause significant pluming damage:


Willow trees are fanciful and beautiful in your landscaping, but they can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing. These trees need quite a bit of moisture to survive. If you plant a willow anywhere near the proximity of your home’s water source, such as a water well, it could cause your well to produce less water. Additionally, most soils do not have the necessary amounts of nutrients or oxygen for the tree to survive. If you want willows on your property, they are best planted near a lake, pond, or other body of water.


Birch trees are very elegant and are very attractive, but they have a root system that can be very damaging to your sewer drain lines. The root system of birch trees is flat in nature and will grow outward up to three times the height of the tree. If the roots run into your home’s underground pipes, it could invade the space inside the pipes. Once the root system gets inside, it will continue to grow and could cause the pipes to become blocked or broken.


Magnolia trees, best known for their large fragrant white flowers, are a very familiar in many landscapes. However, magnolia trees have a very impressive root system that can greatly damage the plumbing in a home. Their roots are very large and have a rope-like appearance. They grow closer to the top of the ground rather than deep. They are notorious for searching out the nearest water source. In many cases, the closest water is located in your water pipes or drain pipes. The roots can work themselves inside these pipes and cause them to burst under pressure.


Oak trees are very majestic and very sturdy. They can live to be hundreds of years old. Sadly, their impressive root system can be detrimental to a home’s plumbing system. The roots of an oak tree are very strong. As the tree ages, the roots begin to grow straight from the base of the tree. As they grow, they can work their way into cracks or openings in sewer pipes and cause major damages and blockages to your system.

If you want to avoid the plumbing problems that can be caused by trees, you only have a few options. One option is to cut the tree. This can be heartbreaking, especially if it is a mature, beautiful tree. The other option, especially if your are building a home from the ground up, is to choose a different location away from the tree so your plumbing won’t be affected. If you choose to go the tree cutting route, be sure to contact us so we can help remove the tree for you. You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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