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Tree Pruning Tips

Tree Pruning Tips

Tree pruning services & tree trimming can be done throughout the year, but late fall and winter are the best times because leaves have fallen, leaving the branch structure more visible and there is less chance of spreading some diseases or insect infestations.

Advanced Tree Care specializes in quality tree pruning. Pruning may be done to thin and shape certain tree species, such as Coast Live Oak, which may grow very thick, dark canopies. Removing dead wood can improve a tree’s health because decayed limbs can harbor pests and diseases.

Heavy limbs may also break under their own weight, which can be hazardous.

Fruit tree pruning helps the tree look good, and betters the quality of the fruit. It may also shape the trees for easier picking when picking season arrives. Usually deciduous fruit trees such as cherries, apples, pears, nectarines and peaches are pruned in their dormant season of January and February. Citrus trees are pruned during the summer after any potential threat of frost has passed.

Contact Advanced Tree Care Today for Tree Pruning Services. You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram, or you can contact us here if you have any questions.


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