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A pair of handing covered in dirt. The hands are cupping dirt.

Why is soil health so important?

If you have ever seen some of your trees flourish, and others not, then you have seen first hand why soil health is so important. Many different factors will play into having healthy trees, You don’t need to know it all, (that’s why Advance Tree Care is here) but knowing a few things will make a huge difference, and it all starts with the soil.

Understanding the composition of your soil is critical, especially when you first decided to plant.
Soil is made up of many components, such as minerals, water, nutrients, liquids, gases, and air. Each tree is going to need different ratios of these components, which is why each tree variety is going to need different soil. What soil you use with a cherry tree, may not work with a weeping willow, or a maple.
Soil can vary in composition. How you can tell the composition is by how it will settle.

Here are a few types of Soil compositions:

Sand– Rough in texture and easy to dry. Because the base is loose, it makes it harder for the
soil to retain moisture. In return, it makes it harder for the plants to gain the nutrients they need.

Silt– A smooth and slippery texture. Having tight compaction can be a plus when it comes to keeping in the nutrients and moisture. However, it can cause issues when used wrong.

Clay – Lumpy and sticky when wet and tightly packed with limited air space. Because of this, it is hard for both air and moisture to fully penetrate the soil layers.

Organics – Created by plant and animal matter that has been decomposed. Organics tend to be nutrient balanced and rich in minerals.

Why Does Soil Matter?

There are 5 essential functions that soil performs (We did a whole blog on this! Click HERE to read it!) Soil helps to keep things regulated. It regulates everything from water, to nutrients. Soil helps to filter pollutants and support the biodiversity your tree needs. Your tree will let you know when the soil may be unhealthy. It can show leaf discoloration, brittle branches, and even prevent growth. All in all, having healthy soil is the best start for growing a healthy tree.
If you are unsure that your soil is healthy, or the right option for your trees, Advance Tree Care is here to help.


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